Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saying Goodbye is a Trip

When you go on a trip you tend to see a lot.  In fact some trips are for that fact alone; to sight see.  One might take the long way home to catch the sunset, or plan a weekend in the city and take in all the sights and sounds.  This is no different when you run; the views may be a bit more bouncy, but the point remains you cannot help but be impacted by it.  For myself, the most notable impact comes from the people I meet along the way.  For nearly four months I have had a great run from Portland, to San Antonio to Biloxi and have been positively impacted by some great people (and you thought a marathon was a long run).  However, just like every book has chapters, I make my way back to Portland next week and am forced to say goodbye as I turn another page in my life.

Turning the page is bittersweet.  On one hand you are leaving a time when you might have grown a lot, or had a lot of fun.  On the other hand you are moving on to life’s next adventure to experience new things.  I think back on some of my difficult goodbyes.  Heading to college realizing I was 4 hours from home and feeling like I was starting from scratch.  I think about leaving Seattle, a great job and promising opportunity.  Goodbyes like these were tough at the time, but each of them lead to something greater.  Being away from home in college allowed me to grow up and become an adult.  Moving to Portland from Seattle made me put my money where my mouth was if I really believed that family and relationships were values I prioritized.  Take a moment and think about a goodbye that was difficult for you and how it impacted you?

I know I am coming at this with a “cup is half full” optimism that not everyone will agree with.  I can see why because the bitter to the sweet is that goodbyes tend to plain suck to be blunt.  They are like eating a pudding cup and realizing it is almost all gone.  You were excited when it started, but are sad to see it come to an end.  However, there is a lot of pudding in life so don’t dwell when you finish one; grab another (TO BE CLEAR, THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY EATING TIP, IT IS AN ANALOGY! J).

On a more serious note I want to emphasize the point of this blog; thoughts are powerful.  The thought of saying goodbye is powerful in its’ weight on each of our lives because they are hard, but necessary.  My encouragement for everyone is this: a goodbye might be hard in the moment, but you don’t know how it will positively impact you in the long run (remember also God has a funny way of putting old friends back into your life later).  Life is not a sprint, it is a marathon so keep running and take in the view; I know I will.  

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