Friday, July 3, 2015

One Thought Away Rekindled

In 2012 I began a blog called “One Thought Away” for the purpose of raising money for a non-profit project in Haiti as well as inspiring other people to pursue their dreams. The premise was simple: great things we hope for and wish to do are often one thought, or a series of continual thoughts over time, away from happening. I always saw these thoughts as sparks that could create a roaring fire of change. It has been on my heart recently to rekindle this experience in a way that can be sustained and achieve a larger impact with a broader reach.

You may know I have had an interest in micro-finance and developing impoverished countries based on my past volunteer, education and travel experience. In particular I had the chance during my MBA program to study microfinance in Nicaragua and business development in Cambodia as well as seeing poverty up close and personal while on humanitarian trips to Haiti and Mexico. This baseline knowledge and my core belief that Jesus calls us to serve our fellow man compels me to stoke this passion with a broader audience.

Zidisha (Swahili for “growth”, or “expand”) is a micro-lending platform focused on cutting high “middle-man” costs and promoting transparency on where funds are distributed (learn about their approach in the info links below). My vision is to combine the concept of my “One Thought Away” blog with the Zidisha lending platform to provide 24,901 loans during my lifetime (one loan per each mile of the earth’s circumference symbolizing how the world is all connected and the common ground we share). I believe in this process because it connects the heart of service (Zidisha serves some of the poorest areas in the world) with the effectiveness of capitalism; lenders (i.e. you) decide who to loan to based on borrowers business ideas, adjust loan rates for riskier loans and can ask borrowers questions before investing. This is not a hand out, this is a hand up. Micro-lending in its ideal form is centered on empowering individuals and small groups to profit from their ideas and hard work as they develop accountability through the fact they are required to pay back the loan(s) they receive.

Sound interesting? Then keep reading!

I need you to do seven things.

1.       Read this entire note (good job, you’re almost done with step 1! J)
2.       Sign up for the “One Thought Away” blog here to keep up to date on efforts
3.       Sign up for Zidisha and join my giving group (One Thought Away Investing)…IMPORTANT to do this before step 4
a.       FYI: Signing up via Facebook is simple and allows you to spread the word easily
4.       Make one loan of any amount you feel appropriate (even a $1 loan can create the spark for others to give)
5.       Tell one person about this group within one year
6.       Re-loan the amount that was paid back to you (borrowers re-pay the loans over time)
7.       Get excited

I will keep in-touch with this community of lenders (i.e. you) with monthly posts on the “One Thought Away” blog so the fire we are starting does not die out.

Are you with me?

God Bless,

***Need more info like I did? Explore these links and feel free to ping me with questions***
‘What is Zidisha?’video -
'Why Zidisha?'-

'How it Works'-